



时间: 2021年01月21日 14:00

地点: 腾讯会议

报告主题: 奇单调半流渐近传播速度分析及其在神经网络系统中的应用

报 告 人:余志先 教授 (上海师范大学)

报告时间:2021年1月21日(周四) 14:00


会议 ID:516436248

邀 请 人:赵发友


报告摘要:In this report, we mainly investigate the properties of spreading speeds for the monotone semiflows. According to the fundamental work of Liang and Zhao [(2007) Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 60], the spreading speeds of the monotone semiflows can be derived via the principal eigenvalue of linear operators relating to the semiflows. We establish a general method to analyze the sign and the continuity of the spreading speeds. Then we consider a limiting case which admits no spreading phenomenon. The results can be applied to the model of cellular neural networks (CNNs for short). In this model, we find the rule which determines the propagating phenomenon by parameters. This talk is based on a joint work with Dr. Lei Zhang (European J. Appl. Math. 2020).

