



时间: 2019年06月21日 14:00

地点: 校本部东区翔英大楼T516室


第 397 期

时间:   2019年6月21日(周五)下午14:00-15:30      

地点:   校本部东区翔英楼T516室

讲座:   Singing Proficiency in Children with Cochlear Implants


演讲者: Li Xu, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Ohio University

Abstract:  Cochlear implant (CI) provides unprecedent benefits in speech perception to people with profound hearing loss, both children and adults. However, due to insufficient pitch information encoded in CI stimulations, CI users typically show poor music perception. Singing is a combination of music and language. A series acoustic studies have showed that singing in prelingually-deafened children fitted with either CIs or hearing aids is usually poor. A recent study evaluated the singing proficiency of a group of ten prelingually-deafened children with CIs who formed a choir and received 21 months of formal music training. Results demonstrated that the CI choir members exhibited high accuracy in both pitch and tempo measures. Early start of music training after implantation and use of bimodal hearing contributed to the development of music ability. These findings indicated that rigorous music training could facilitate high singing proficiency in prelingually-deafened children with CIs.

Biography:  Li Xu is Distinguished Professor of communication sciences and disorders at Ohio University. He received a Ph.D. degrees from Department of Neuroscience University of Florida College of Medicine and Postdoctorate Fellow form Kresge Hearing Research Institute Department of Otolaryngology University of Michigan. He specializes in the areas of hearing mechanism, speech recognition mechanism, deafness, speech perception, tone perception and music perception. These study was funded by the US NIH. He has published many research papers. He has invited Seminar, Colloquium Workshop, and Keynote Presentations at international conferences. He has guest-edited several technical journal issues and serves on several journal Editorial Boards and journal Reviewer.

邀请人:上海大学通信与信息工程学院 侯丽敏  副教授     
