



时间: 2018年01月02日 14:00

地点: 校本部东区通信楼T706



时间: 201812日(周二)下午200

地点: 校本部东区通信楼T706

讲座: 以知识为中心的网络:挑战与机遇

演讲者:佛罗里达大学 吴大鹏教授


吴大鹏教授现任美国佛罗里达大学教授,IEEE Fellow。他是计算机与通信网络、多媒体编码与通信、图像视频信号处理等领域的国际知名专家。吴大鹏教授在跨学科交叉的多媒体通信与信号处理领域取得了开创性成果,是美国史上第一位同时获得美国联邦三大杰出青年科学家奖(即国家自然科学基金Career奖,美国海军研究局杰出青年科学家奖,美国空军科学研究局杰出青年科学家奖)的科学家,在国际上具有很高的知名度和影响力。吴大鹏教授在国际主流期刊上发表了200多篇学术论文,获得国际顶级期刊IEEE TCSVT的最佳论文奖、QShine最佳论文奖、国际著名会议GlobeCom2011的最佳论文奖。现担任3个IEEE国际期刊的编辑。曾担任国际顶级会议IEEE INFOCOM 2012技术程序委员会主席(TPC Chair)、IEEE通信协会多媒体通信技术委员会MobIG主席、颁奖委员会主席以及IEEE GlobalSIP2015总主席。


In the creation of a smart future information society, Internet of Things (IoT) and Content Centric Networking (CCN) break two key barriers for both the front-end sensing and back-end networking. However, we still observe the missing piece of the research that dominates the current design, i.e., lacking of the knowledge penetrated into both sensing and networking to glue them holistically. In this talk, I will introduce and discuss a new networking paradigm, called Knowledge Centric Networking (KCN), as a promising solution. The key insight of KCN is to leverage emerging machine learning or deep learning techniques to create knowledge for networking system designs, and extract knowledge from collected data to facilitate enhanced system intelligence and interactivity, improved quality of service, communication with better controllability, and lower cost. This talk presents the KCN design rationale, the KCN benefits and also the potential research opportunities.